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Our performance

Public Sector Equality Duty & Equality Delivery System 2

We use the NHS Equality Delivery System 2 (EDS2) to assess our performance annually on how effective our services, and workplaces, are for people from all backgrounds.  This assessment is undertaken in partnership with service users, carers, representatives from the voluntary sector and HealthWatch Hertfordshire, as well our own staff.  The four main areas we look at are

  • Better health outcomes
  • Improved access and experience
  • A supported workforce
  • Inclusive leadership.

We look at our performance at least once each year.  This is part of work (but not the only part) of ensuring that we continue to be compliant with the Public Sector Equality Duty (part of the Equality Act 2010) that requires all of our functions to be carried out in a way that does not disadvantage anyone whilst at the same time promoting equality of opportunity.

Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) & EDS2 Report  - This year we have published a joint report for these two areas, as they are closely linked. This was published on this website on 5 October 2020.

View our latest report by clicking here


Should you have any queries  please email hpft.equality@nhs.net



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