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Care Act 2014

What is the Care Act 2014 about?

The Care Act 2014 changed the way care and support was delivered, making it more consistent across the country. The changes were designed to put people in control of the help they receive and ensure any decisions about care and support also consider wellbeing to support people in staying healthy and remaining independent for longer.

Many of us will need care and support at some point in our lives, and most people will pay at least something towards the cost of their care. The Care Act 2014 gives a bigger say to people who receive care and support or look after someone as a carer. This includes listening to what sort of care is best for you and your family.

Click here to view a short video explaining the act produced by one of our partners, Hertfordshire County Council (HCC).

If you find any of the language relating to the Care Act 2014 difficult to understand then this care and support jargon buster may help.

Social care

HCC provide general adult social care in Hertfordshire, click here for more information.

It is important to realise that social care - unlike health care - is not free and a financial assessment will need to by carried out by HCC in the first instance.

This assessment will determine how much an individual may or may not have to contribute towards the cost of their social care.

Click here to find out more about paying for your care costs.



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