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NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES)


The Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) has been developed as a tool to measure improvements in the workforce with respect to Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) staff with many of the methods being transferable to focusing on other groups.  It is an NHS initiative that has been conceived by the national NHS Equality & Diversity Council; through collaboration with NHS staff and independent researchers.  The challenge to ensure BME staff are treated fairly and their talents valued and developed is one that all NHS organisations need to meet because:

  • Research shows that unfair treatment of BME staff adversely affects the care and treatment of all patients

  • Talent is being wasted through unfairness in the appointment, treatment and development of a large section of the NHS workforce

  •  Precious resources are wasted through the impact of such treatment on the morale, discretionary effort, and other consequences of such treatment

  • Research shows that diverse teams and leaderships are more likely to show the innovation, and increase the organisational effectiveness, the NHS needs

  • Organisations whose leadership composition bears little relationship to that of the communities served will be less likely to deliver the patient focussed care that is needed

HPFT is committed to addressing any inequalities that exist for staff and welcomes the WRES as a tool to show, transparently, where improvements made be needed so as to establish and maintain inclusive workplaces for all.

WRES Indicators

There are a total of nine indicators that make up the WRES split across Workforce Data, National NHS Staff Survey and Trust Board Representation. These are designed to help us track our progress in tackling any inequalities in the workforce. These can be viewed in the WRES technical guidance by clicking here.  NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard 2021 data can be viewed here 

Click here to view the 2024 WRES Action Plan


Should you have any queries about our WRES programme please email hpft.equality@nhs.net


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