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Tim Bryson

Non-Executive Director

Tim joined HPFT as a non-executive director in 2021. He is a qualified mental health nurse with a broad range of clinical and managerial experience in commissioning and service delivery. Tim was Executive Director of Nursing at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust for ten years from 2002 to 2012.

Tim now works as an independent healthcare consultant on a wide range of projects, most recently for the London Cavendish Square Group on safety improvement and Health Education England on learning disability nursing. In 2010, he co-founded the Blue Smile children’s charity in Cambridgeshire and was Chair of Trustees for eight years. Tim is a member of the National Mental Health Nurse Directors Network, Cam-MIND, COPE and Rethink in Cambridgeshire.


Email: corporate.office@nhs.net

Tel: 01707 253800

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