Our Governors
All our members are eligible to elect and stand as Trust Governors
Our Governors represent the interests of members and partner organisations in the governance of the Trust. Governors give up their time voluntarily. The Trust is run by the Board but the Governors can influence their decisions and the direction of the Trust.
Our Trust has up to 39 governors, appointed as follows:
- 21 Public Governors, elected by the Trust's membership
- 5 Staff Governors, elected by the Trust's staff
- Up to 13 Appointed Governors, nominated by the Trust's partner organisations
What's it like to be a Trust Governor?
One of our Trust Governors talks about his experience
Would you like to become a Governor?
If you would like to know how to become a Governor or would like to know more about the role please email: hpft.comms@nhs.net
Governors bring a great deal of benefit to the Trust through their experience, influence and role as a critical friend
Governors receive an induction and relevant training. They attend four Council of Governor meetings per year which are based at our Head Office in Hatfield. There is an opportunity for Governors to visit the Trust’s various sites as well as getting involved in one of four sub-committees covering:
- Appointments and remuneration
- Membership and engagement
- Quality and service user experience
- Performance
The Council of Governors has the following statutory duties and powers:
- To appoint or and if appropriate remove the Chair or other Non-Executive Directors and the Trust’s auditor
- To approve the appointment of the Chief Executive
- Decide the remuneration and allowances, and the other terms and conditions of office, of the Chair and other Non-Executive Directors
- At the AGM they receive the Trust’s annual accounts reports and accounts, and report them to the auditor
- To hold the Non-Executive Directors to account for the Performance of the Board of Directors
- To represent the interests of members of the Trust and the interests of the public
- Approve significant transactions
- To approve an application by the Trust to enter into a merger, acquisition, separation or dissolution
- Decide whether the Trust's non-NHS work would significantly interfere with its principal purpose
- Approve amendments to the constitution
- Development and recruitment of a representative membership
All Governors are expected to:
- Attend the Council of Governors and the AGM
- Join at least one of the sub-groups
- To attend induction and training sessions
- To sign the Code of Conduct
- To act in the best interests of the Trust and to work within Trust policies
The NHS Foundation Trust Code of Governance
For information about what the NHS Foundation Trust Code of Governance says about Governors click here
Our Constitution
To read a copy of our Constitution click here
To get in touch with a Public Governor
Tel: 01707 253856
Email: hpft.corporate@nhs.net
Dates of future council meetings
For all dates please click here
Board papers
For copies of the Council of Governors board papers please click here