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Eni Bankole-Race

I am passionate about mental health issues and inclusion, and in particular ensuring that the perspectives of as diverse a range of service users as possible are reflected at all levels of the Trust, including the board of Governors.

I believe in ordinary people contributing to the change and progress in their environment and that it is important that service users and carers have an influence in decisions that affect their lives. One way of doing this is by being involved and engaging with our service providers, and being a service user of HPFT, I am personally enthusiastic about being a part of shaping the strategic direction of the Trust.

I was honoured to be elected as a Public Governor of HPFT in 2018. Since then, I have seen the impact that the role has in guiding and providing a diverse perspective to the Trust. I have appreciated my experience so far on the Council of Governors and believe that I have made a meaningful contribution; I would like to continue to serve my community in this way.

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