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Digitally Enabled Service Users and Carers Group

The Digitally Enabled Service Users and Carers Group was set-up to improve digital services for HPFT service users and carers, ensuring their needs are met through innovative technology. 

The group is co-chaired by Dr Ikbal Bahia (Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer, HPFT) and Dr Paul Bradley (Chief Clinical Information Officer, HPFT) and reports to the Digital Programme Board (DPB) of HPFT.
Group members include clinical leads, Head of Digital Delivery and crucially service user and carer representatives. To support service user and carer involvement and representation, the group has considered ways of outreaching and improving messaging. 

The group now produces regular newsletters in written and video formats, showcasing key digital projects that are considered and discussed within group meetings and which directly impact upon clinical care delivery. 

You can find our newsletters on the following pages:

Newsletter one - Welcome to our first newsletter 

Newsletter two - This newsletter we will be looking at Censeo and introducing our QR code

Newsletter three - our first video newsletter will be introducing you to chatbots 

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