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Newsletter Issue 1


To our first ever newsletter! This is where we will tell you all about the Trust’s digital projects and how you can get involved. Every new project is co-produced with our service users and carers to ensure that everything we do is relevant to them. 

image of digital data stream

“The use of digital technology in health and social care can improve quality, efficiency and patient experience as well as supporting more integrated care and improving the health of a population.” (The King’s Fund, Online 2023)

Introducing the Digital Team

Photo of Mille Gee

Hello, I am Millie and I have been a volunteer Service User Consultant within HPFT for just over 1.5 years. As part of my position, I give feedback on relevant services and do other consultation work where the input of a service user would be beneficial. I am a member of

the HPFT Digital Empowered Service Users and Carers Group and have been involved in developing this newsletter.

Photo of Dr Ikbal Bahia

Hello, as a Clinical Psychologist. I currently clinically work within the two service areas of mental health liaison team at a local general hospital and an inpatient Assessment and Treatment Unit (ATU) for people with learning disabilities. I also work as a Trust ACCIO, one of the clinical leads for digital providing guidance, input and support (drawing upon psychological skills) to the Trust’s digital workstreams.

 In our next issue we will include QR codes, we will use this to collect your comments, take any suggestions, and get you involved as stakeholders of the Trust. For any comments or queries please email: hpft.digitallyempoweredgroup@nhs.net

To download a copy of the newsletter please click here


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