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Dr K.A.H Mirza



Dr. Mirza is currently employed as a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist at the HPFT NHS trust and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire. He is the lead for research in the Children and Young People (CYP) Services work stream at HPFT NHS trust and lead for the ADHD services at East Herts CYP. Dr. Mirza has held senior academic and clinical positions in major universities across the world over the previous 26 years including University of Cambridge, UK, Dalhousie University Canada, and Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London.  He has held research and educational grants, and conducted research into the neurobiology of childhood maltreatment, substance misuse, ADHD, PTSD, depression, and psychopharmacology. Dr. Mirza has written numerous peer-reviewed articles, books and book chapters on ADHD, Depression, Substance misuse, PTSD, and psychopharmacology.  He has edited special issues and served on the editorial board   of international journals.  He was a member of the Curriculum committee of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and Faculty of Child and Adolescent psychiatry at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, which produced a competence-based curriculum for the higher specialist training in child and adolescent psychiatry in the UK. He held the posts of Postgraduate Training Programme director at the Guys Kings and St. Thomas’s Medical school, London and Lead for the training Programme at the Maudsley Higher Specialist Training Programme. He has served as a research guide and examiner to fellows and students, both nationally and internationally. He has lectured to learned societies over the world, conducted international conferences and continues to teach at universities in Japan, Ireland, and India, as a visiting lecturer.


Areas of Research Interest

His areas of research interest include neuroimaging in childhood maltreatment, relationship between developmental trauma and ADHD, Psychological treatments of ADHD, Substance misuse in young people, Depression in young people, psychopharmacology, post-traumatic stress disorder in children and epidemiology of child psychiatric disorders in developing countries. He is currently involved in several research projects including repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in adolescent depression, relationship between ADHD and problematic internet use, relationship between Developmental trauma disorder (Complex PTSD) and ADHD and psychological treatment of ADHD.

Recent Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals and Textbook Chapters

  • Lim L, Hart H, Mirza KAH, Rubiya K, et al (2019) Altered white matter connectivity in young people exposed to childhood abuse: a tract based spatial statistics (TBSS) and tractography study. Journal of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, 44(4): DOI: 10.1503/jpn.170241.


  • Mirza KAH, Sudesh S, Sudesh R (2019) Misuse of drugs and alcohol and other substance in Mental Health and illness of Children and Adolescents, Edited by Eric Taylor, Anula Nikapota, Verlhurst F, Keiko Yoshida, and  John Wong, Series on Mental Health and Illness world wide, series editor Norman Sartorious and Ee Heok Kua, Springer, New York


  • Hart H, Lim L, Mirza KAH, Rubiya K, et al (2018) Altered functional connectivity of fronto-cingulo-striatal circuits during error monitoring in adolescents with a history of childhood abuse. Frontiers in Human Neurosciences, 12(7): 1-14.


  • Mirza KAH, Sudesh R, Mirza. S (2017) Substance misuse in young people, in Child Psychology and Psychiatry: Frameworks for Clinical Practice and Training, Third Edition. Edited by David Skuse, Helen Bruce and Linda Downey, 2017 John Wiley and sons Ltd pp 315-328.


  • Mirza KAH, Sudesh R, Mirza. S (2017) A guide to Childhood ADHD- commissioned review article by British Journal of Hospital Medicine, supplement pp 23-28  


Books Edited

Mirza, K.A.H, Dinan, T. G (Editors) :  A Concise Text book  of Clinical Psychiatry,        Euroscience publishers, London, U.K, 2001.

Mirza, K.A.H, Dinan, T. G (Editors)   A Concise Text book  of the Scientific Basis of Psychiatry, Euroscience publishers, London, UK 2010



Reta Lila Weston Trust for Medical Research (£400,000): Neurobiology of childhood Maltreatment: (Mirza KAH, Rubia K) December 2010.

Psychiatric Research Trust fund, institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London: (£15,000) Epidemiological of child psychiatric morbidity in Kerala, an exploratory study, Mirza KAH, Goodman R, January 2011   

Anglia and Oxford Regional Research and Development Grants ( £49,000 ): A prospective study of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in children and adolescents  following road traffic accidents (K.A.H.Mirza, B. Bhadrinath, I. Goodyer) January 1996.


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