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As One Logo

I - M

 IAPT  Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
 IATS  Intensive Assessment Treatment Services 
 IBs  Individual Budgets
 ICAS  Independent Complaints and Advocacy Services
 ICC  Inpatient Control Committee 
 ICD (10)   International Classification of Diseases
 ICD   International Classification of Disorders 
 ICN  Infection Control Nurse
 ICT   Information & Communications Technology
 ICU  Intensive Care Unit 
 IGH  Integrated Governance Committee
 IHSM  Institute of Health Services Management 
 IIYMH  Investing in Your Mental Health 
 IM & T  Information Management & Technology 
 IOT  Intensive Outreach Team
 IOATS  Intensive Outreach Assessment and Treatment Service 
 IOSH  Institute of Occupational Safety & Health 
 IP   Inpatient
 IPA  Individual Patient Agreement 
 IR  Investigating Report 
 ISD  Individualised Service Design 
 IST  Intensive Support Team
 IT  Information Technology
 IWL  Improving Working Lives
 JAO  Job Analysis Questionnaire 
 JCNC  Joint Consultative & Negotiation 
 JCPB  Joint Commissioning Partnership Board 
 JCT  Joint Commissioning Team
 KPI  Key Performance Indicator
 KSF  Knowledge Skills Framework 
 LAC  Looked After Children 
 LbD  Leading by Design 
 LD  Learning Disability 
 LDDF  Learning Disability Development Fund 
 LDP  Local Delivery Plan 
 LDPB  Learning Disability Partnership Board 
 LLTTF  Living Life To The Full 
 LOS  Length of Stay
 LPC  Local Pharmaceutical Committee
 LSCG  Local Strategic Commissioning Group 
 LSMS  Local Security Management Specialist 
 LSU  Low Secure Unit
 MAC  Medical Advisory Committee 
 MAPPA  Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements
 MAPSAF  Manchester Patient Safety Framework 
 MC   Medicines Commission
 MCA   Medicines Control Agency
 MDA  Medical Device Alert 
 MDO  Mentally Disordered Offender 
 MDS  Minimum Data Set 
 MDT   Multi Disciplinary Team
 MDU   Medical Defence Union
 MEC  Medical Executive Committee
 MH  Mental Health 
 MHA   Mental Health Act
 MHAC  Mental Health Act Committee
 MHE  Mental Health Enquiry 
 MHRA  Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulation Agency 
 MHS  Message Handling System 
 MHSOP   Mental Heath Services for Older People
 MHU   Mental Health Unit
 MIP  Management in Partnership 
 MIU  Minor Injuries Unit
 MRO  MRO  Medical Records Officer
 MSU  Medium Secure Unit
 MUS   Medically Unexplained Symptoms
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