NHS Logo
As One Logo

N - P

 NACGP  National Association of Commissioning GPs 
 NAFHP  National Association of Fundholding Practices
 NAO    National Audit Office 
 NAS  National Autistic Society 
 NCVO     National Council for Voluntary Organisations
 NDT   National Development Team for People with Learning Disabilities 
 NED  Non-Executive Director 
 NF   Nuffield Foundation 
 NFA   No Fixed Address/Abode 
 NHS  National Health Service
 NHSE  NHS Estates
 NHSEHU   National Health Service Ethnic Health Unit
 NHSLA   National Health Service Litigation Authority
 NICE  National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
 NIMHE  National Institiute for Mental Health 
 NPA  National Pharmaceutical Association
 NPAG  National Performance Advisory Group 
 NPC  National Prescribing Centre
 NPSA  National Patient Safety Agency
 NSF  National Service Frameworks 
 NSFS  National Service Frameworks Standard
 NVQ  National Vocational Qualification 
 OATs  Out of Area Treatments
 OCD  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
 OH  Occupational Health
 OHS  Occupational Health Service
 OP  Outpatient
 OPA   Outpatient Attendances (Appointments)
 OT   Occupational Therapist/therapy 
 PA   Patients Association 
 PACE  Practice Audit & Clinical Effectiveness 
 PALS  Patient Advice and Liaison Service
 PARS  Patient Assault Reporting System 
 PB  Personal Budget 
 PBC  Practice Based Commissioning 
 PBR  Payment by Results 
 Primary Care   Family health services provided by family doctors, dentists,  pharmacists, optometrists and ophthalmic medical practitioners. 
 PCAT  Primary Care Audit Team
 PCP  Person Centered Planning 
 PDA  Paris Design Authority 
 PDP  Personal Development Plan 
 PEAT  Patient Environment Action Teams 
 PEC  Professional Executive Committee 
 PFC   Patient Focused Care 
 PFI  Private Finance Initiative
 PGST  Practice Governance Support Team 
 PHC  Primary Health Care
 PICU  Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit
 PID  Project Initiation Document 
 PIG  Policy Implementation Guide 
 PMO  Project Management Office 
 PoHWER   People of Hertfordshire Want Equal Rights 
 POVA  Protection of Vulnerable Adults 
 PPI  Patient Public Involvement 
 PPIS  Patient and Public Involvement Strategy 
 PRN  Prescription Required as Needed 
 PSS  Peer Support Scheme
 PTIG  Psychological Therapies Implementation Group 
 PTS  Patient Transport Services
 PWP  Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner 
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