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Q - Z

QEII  Queen Elizabeth II Hospital WGC 
QIPP  Quality Innovation Productivity Prevention 
 R&D   Research and Development
 RAO  Request for Overspend Authorisation 
 RCA  Root Cause Analysis 
 RCN  Royal College of Nursing
 RCPsych   Royal College of Psychiatrists
 RCS  Residential Care Services 
 RMN   Registered Mental Nurse
 RNMH  Registered Nurse for the Mentally Handicapped
 ROC  Resource and Opportunity for Change 
 ROCCT  Recovery Oriented Care Co-ordination training 
 RPSGB  Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
 RSL  Registered Social Landlord 
 RSU  Regional Secure Unit
 SABS  Specialist Alert Broadcast Services 
 SACH  St Albans City Hospital
 SAFA  Safeguarding Adults from Abuse 
 SAG  Specialist Advisors Group 
 SALT  Speech and Language Therapy 
 SAP  Single Assessment Process 
 SBU  Strategic Business Unit
 SAMM  Safety Assessment of Marketed Medicines (guidelines)
 SCG  Strategic Commissioning Group 
 SCBU  Special Care Baby Unit
 SCIE  Social Care Institute for Excellence
 SCIP  Strategies for Crisis Intervention and Prevention 
 SCLN  Social Care Leads Network 
 SCM  Specialist in Community Medicine
 SCODA  Standing Conference on Drug Abuse
 SEPT  South Essex Partnership Trust 
 SFBHC  Standards For Better Health Care  
 SFI  Standing Financial Instruction 
 SHA  Strategic Health Authority 
 SIG  Staff Involvement Group 
 SLA   Service Level Agreement
 SLDS  Specialist Learning Disabilities Service 
 SLR  Single Line Reporting 
 SLT  Speech and Language Therapist 
 SMF  Senior Management Forum 
 SMHTOP  Specialist Mental Health Team for Older People 
 SMT  Senior Management Team 
 SOC  Strategic Outline Case 
 SOLAR  Self Organisation Living And Reflecting  
 SPA  Single Point of Access 
 SPOC  Single Point of Contact 
 SRS  Specialist Residential Service 
 STaR  Support Time and Recovery workers
 SUCEC  Service User & Carer Experience Committee 
 TATS  Tertiary Assessment and Treatment Service
 TFPP  Think Family Parenting Practitioner 
 THO  Trust Head Office 
 TTA  To Take Away (re medication on leaving hospital) 
 VPST  Valuing People Support Team 
 WAG  Workforce Advisory Group 
 WGC  Watford General Hospital 
 WTE  Whole Time Equivalent
 YPD  Young People with Dementia 
 YOD  Young Onset Dementia 
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