The Care Act: 'I' statements
What are the ‘I’ statements?
‘I’ statements are an assertion about the feelings, beliefs and values of the person speaking. In the case of ‘Making it Real’, the ‘I’ statements are what older and disabled people, carers and citizens expect to feel and experience when it comes to personalised care and support. They are grouped around six key themes:
1. Information and Advice: having the information I need, when I need it
- I have the information and support I need in order to remain as independent as possible.
- I have access to easy-to-understand information about care and support which is consistent, accurate, accessible and up to date.
- I can speak to people who know something about care and support and can make things happen.
- I have help to make informed choices if I need and want it.
- I know where to get information about what is going on in my community.
2. Active and supportive communities: keeping friends, family and place
- I have access to a range of support that helps me to live the life I want and remain a contributing member of my community.
- I have a network of people who support me carers, family, friends, community and if needed paid support staff.
- I have opportunities to train, study, work or engage in activities that match my interests, skills, abilities.
- I feel welcomed and included in my local community.
- I feel valued for the contribution that I can make to my community.
3. Flexible integrated care and support: my support, my own way
- I am in control of planning my care and support.
- I have care and support that is directed by me and responsive to my needs.
- My support is coordinated, co-operative and works well together and I know who to contact to get things changed.
- I have a clear line of communication, action and follow up.
4. Workforce: my support staff
- I have good information and advice on the range of options for choosing my support staff.
- I have considerate support delivered by competent people.
- I have access to a pool of people, advice on how to employ them and the opportunity to get advice from my peers.
- I am supported by people who help me to make links in my local community.
5. Risk enablement: feeling in control and safe
- I can plan ahead and keep control in a crisis.
- I feel safe, I can live the life I want and I am supported to manage any risks.
- I feel that my community is a safe place to live and local people look out for me and each other.
- I have systems in place so that I can get help at an early stage to avoid a crisis.
6. Personal budgets and self-funding: my money
- I can decide the kind of support I need and when, where and how to receive it
- I know the amount of money available to me for care and support needs, and I can determine how this is used (whether it’s my own money, direct payment, or a council managed personal budget).
- I can get access to the money quickly without having to go through over-complicated procedures.
- I am able to get skilled advice to plan my care and support, and also be given help to understand costs and make best use of the money involved where I want and need this.