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Mental Health support for refugees

Flourish is a countywide service available to provide advice, information, onward referral and holistic support to refugees who are experiencing mental ill health, or need support with their mental wellbeing or daily challenges.
The service is available to those aged 18 and above, offering up to 10 sessions.

Flourish works in partnership with local agencies and charities such as the Refugee Council, Communities First, Herts for Refugees, local district councils, social prescribers, citizens advice bureau and other professional agencies.

The service will work alongside refugees to develop a tailored package of support that meets their needs, working with them to find the solutions that are right for the person. The service is flexible and will help to resolve real-life difficulties and to improve independence, quality of life and wellbeing.

How to refer to the service
To access the service, you need to be presenting with a mental health need. You can self-refer to this service. Referrals can also be made by hosting families or through other professionals.

Click here for the referral form
Click here for the service leaflet
Click here for the Flourish Peer Support Groups Poster

Please contact us to find out more about the service, or to talk to us about a referral.
T: 0203 727 3600
E: flourish@hertsmindnetwork.org

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