Trust Policies
Trust Policies
The Trust has a number of key procedural documents, the most popular of which are listed below.
For a copy of these or any other Trust procedural documents, please complete a FOI request form
- Dual Diagnosis Protocol
- Clinical Risk Assessment and Management for Individual Service Users
- Safe and Supportive Observations Policy
- Physical Healthcare Policy
- Nutrition and Dysphagia
- Privacy and Dignity Policy
- Pressure Ulcer Management Policy
- Delivery of Care Policy
- Falls Prevention Guidance
- Carer Practice Policy
- Continuing Care and Placement Service Policy
Mental Health Legislation
- MHA Detention under the Mental Health Act or Deprivation of Liberty under a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards authorisation (DOLS)
- MHA Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) and Duties of Staff to Support the work IMHAs
- MHA Managing 'Place of Safety Detention' under Section 136
- MHA Section 17 Leave of Absence
Records and Information Governance
- Formal Access to Service User Records
- Freedom of Information Act 2000 Policy & Procedure
- Information Governance Policy
- Protection and Use of Service User Information Policy
Risk Management
- Health, Safety and Security
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Incident and Serious Incident Requiring Investigation Reporting Policy
- Duty of Candour Policy
- Medicines Policy
- Compliments, Concerns and Complaints Policy and Procedure
- Implementation of NICE Guidance Policy
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service
- Safeguarding Adults Policy
- Safeguarding Children’s Policy