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We provided specialist learning disability health services for people in Buckinghamshire.

This includes:

  • Specialist Learning Disability inpatient beds within Kingfisher Court, this gives people access to a wider range of specialist support and facilities while in hospital
  • Quality specialist health services to people in the community, whilst also promoting reasonable adjustments across primary and secondary care to keep people well.

Community Learning Disability Health Team (CLDHT) 

Who the team helps


Someone who has a learning disability

Someone who is over 18

Someone whose GP surgery is in Bucks

What might happen next 


You will be asked to see someone from the Bucks Community learning Disability Health Team

The team will give you a plan about how they will help support your health needs. This is called a a care plan 

When the support is finished you will stop seeing the team.

How we can help -  We can offer support with:                      

Physical health

Daily living skills

Eating and drinking



Training for staff

Mental health

Memory difficulties

Behavior, thoughts and feelings

How you sit, stand, walk, move around
and help with your breathing

If you would like help from our team please contact us

01296 387516



Unit 1 
Midshires Business Park
Smeaton Close 
Bucks HP19 8HL
High Wycombe
Unit 7
Anglo Office Park
Lincoln Road
High Wycombe
Bucks HP12 3RH

A referral can be made by:


Your family, carers or people who support you

Your GP or other health professional



Contact Us