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Great Together – Our 5-year strategy 2023 – 2028

We are proud to have developed and co-produced Great Together with our service users, carers, staff, partners and local communities to guide us over the next five years, as we embark on an exciting new chapter in our journey as an organisation.

During a six month consultation period, more than 2,000 staff, service users, carers, and stakeholders engaged with us, providing over 8,764 comments to help co-produce a strategy that we believe truly reflects the priorities of all.

We now have a clear roadmap to achieve our vision of Great Care and Great Outcomes.

We have identified six key strategic priorities, with service users and carers at the heart of all that we do, as shown in the diagram below.

Our service users and carers are at the centre of our strategy and at the heart of all that we do. We will improve service user and carer experience, placing emphasis on shared decision-making, co-production and recovery

We will provide high quality care and support that is safe and achieves the best outcomes for service users and carers.

We will be a learning organisation that encourages innovation, research and continuous quality improvement.

We will collaborate and work in partnership in everything we do to meet the needs of communities and the people we support.

We will attract, develop and retain a skilled, compassionate workforce by creating inclusive and thriving workplaces for our people.

We will address inequalities to improve outcomes and advance equity for people from all communities.

Please click here to read the strategy in full and to see our key areas of focus under each strategic priority. Click here for our easy read version of the strategy.

For an explanation of  a terms and acronyms  please click here.

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