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Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)

Implementing the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework at HPFT
One of the five aims in our Trust’s strategy is that we will provide high quality care and support that is safe and achieves the best outcomes for service users and carers. We are proud of our services, and we are always looking to improve.

The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) is a new approach to responding to patient safety incidents. The framework has a clear focus on engaging with the people affected by a patient safety incident, by learning from the circumstances surrounding the incident and then using this learning to improve. This video outlines the key principles of PSIRF and how it will support the whole of the NHS to improve patient safety.

Our approach to implementing PSIRF is outlined in our Patient Safety Incident Response Plan (PSIRP) . From 22 Jan 2024 the Trust has been responding to patient safety incidents according to our PSIRP.

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