If you wish to make a comment, complaint or compliment about our services or the care you receive, please use the form below.
All fields listed with an * are required. If any required fields are blank, your form will not be submitted.
Please ensure you have filled in all required fields (listed with an *). If any required fields are blank your form will not be submitted successfully. To submit your form, please click the green "submit" button below.
On successful submission of the complaints form you will receive the following message
"Thank you. Your complaint, compliment or comment about our services and the care you receive has now been sent to the Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust PALS and Complaints team."
If you are experiencing problems submitting your form please contact 01707 253916 or email hpft.complaints@nhs.net
Your reference number for this form is: HPFT-C 664271