Application process
Doctors wishing to be considered for HPFT International Medical Fellowship are requested to send their CV (evidencing psychiatry experience) together with:
- completed application forms (Part 1 and Part 2);
- at least three references (to include current employer Reference Form)
- and notary attested or embassy attested ID
Scan all these documents and email to:
All applications will be considered and selected for interview which will, in the first instance, be conducted via Video Conference/Skype with the Lead for Medical Fellowship Programme and relevant specialty Consultant. Applicants will then be shortlisted and offered a Face to Face Interview. The Fellow will undertake clinical based scenario simulation exercises to test clinical knowledge.
To be noted by Applicants:
GMC information for doctors about pre-registration verification of qualifications from 11 June 2018.
Applicants for provisional or full registration with a licence to practise will need to have their primary medical qualification independently verified before GMC grant their registration, if they:
- qualified at a medical school outside of the UK, EEA or Switzerland OR
- are a national of a country outside the UK, EEA or Switzerland who graduated from a medical school outside the UK and do not already hold provisional registration with a licence to practise. Verification will be carried out by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), through their online system - known as the Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials (EPIC) service. ECFMG will verify the qualification by checking this directly with the doctor's medical school.
For more information see GMC link:
If you have any questions about the International Medical Fellowship, you can e-mail: