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Out of hours helpline

For out of hours advice and telephone support 

Single Point of Access (SPA) 24/7 Mental Health Helpline

Herts residents of all ages, including service users, carers, GPs and other professionals can contact our 24/7 Single Point of Access (SPA) Mental Health Helpline team at any hour of the day or night, 365 days a year. The team can provide advice and support for Herts residents who are experiencing a mental health crisis, need some mental health support or just want to talk on:

  • Freephone 0800 6444 101 or
  • NHS 111 and select option 2 for mental health services
  • If they are seriously ill or injured, dial 999 for the emergency services.

Access for British Sign Language users
Individuals requiring British Sign Language (BSL) can contact us by using the NHS Sign Video service and selecting the mental health option - NHS 111 - SignVideo : SignVideo

The helpline is staffed by experienced mental health professionals and support staff who can offer the following support:

  • Putting worries and anxieties in perspective
  • Guidance about local services and referral if needed
  • Information on diagnoses, mental health issues and medication

During normal office hours, service users and carers should call your Care Co-ordinator at your local Mental Health Team.

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