Smoke free at HPFT
To create a healthier environment for everyone, staff, service users and all, we ask that you do not smoke on any of our sites, including wards, grounds and vehicles.
Why we are smoke free
People with mental health problems are more likely to smoke, and to smoke more heavily, than the general population. This is one of the reasons that they tend to have poorer physical health and a lower life expectancy.
We want to help reduce this inequality by having a smoke free environment across all of our sites. This is in line with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance which recommends that all hospital sites, including mental health hospitals, should be 100% smoke free.
What support is available?
There is lots of support available for people who smoke to help them whether they wish to stop smoking permanently or for the duration of their appointment(s) or stay with us.
If you are a service user or carer please speak to any clinical staff member for support or contact your local stop smoking service.
For more information:
Click here if you are a member of public.
Click here if you are a service user.
Click here for Easy Read information.
NHS Smoke free service
For general advice on stopping smoking, click here to visit the NHS smoke free website.
Contact us
If you have any questions about smoke free at HPFT, please email