Useful Resources
Speech and Language Therapy Communication Approaches
The Specialist Learning Disability Speech and Language Therapists have created a range of videos on communication approaches and strategies they use. The aim is to ensure that the recommendations are easily accessible and help you in supporting service users’ communication needs.
Click on one of the topics below to find out more and view the video:
- Choice Boards
- Communicating with People at the Early Stages of Communication Development
- Communication Books
- Communication Partner Skills
- Communication Passports
- Emotions Resources
- Key Word Level Understanding
- Means, Reasons and Opportunities Model
- Multi-sensory Referencing
- Now and Next Boards
- Objects of Reference
- Partner-assisted Scanning
- Staff Boards
- Strategies for Clearer Speech
- Switches for Communication
- Symbolic Understanding
- Total Communication
- Visual Schedules
- Visual Timetables