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Supporting Differences

Supporting Differences

As a service we understand the importance of all women having equal and timely access to support.

Research suggests that women from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds as well as women from the LGBTQ+ community can struggle to access healthcare – with others avoiding healthcare altogether for fear of discrimination.

We aim to offer individualised support and to work with families to understand their self-identity, beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and unique needs.

Some resources that might be helpful:

Black Mothers Matter

Resources, a platform and safe space for black mothers to obtain information and support on the issues faced by them during pregnancy and the first year after birth.

Acacia Family Support | Postnatal Depression Support Services | BAME | Black, Asian and Multi Ethnic

For mums and dads who are people of colour and/or from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds


Pink Parents offer support for gay and lesbian parents.

LGBT Mummies

Supporting LGBT+ women & people globally on the path to motherhood or parenthood.

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