Our Services and Staff
There are a number of different professionals within the Hertfordshire Specialist Learning Disability Service who can help you. |
Arts Therapists: We will work with you to help you express your feelings. You don’t have to use words to talk to us. You can use the arts to say what you feel.
Dietitians: We work with people who have Dysphagia. This is when you have problems swallowing. We will talk to you about your diet. Diet is what you eat and drink. Your diet is important to your health. We will work with the speech and language therapists to support you to eat and drink in a safe way.
Inpatient Unit: Dove Ward is an Assessment and Treatment service that provides a specialist health service for adults with a learning disability, who require an admission to a specialist learning disability unit. This is usually due to a decline in the person's mental health and/or behaviour that cannot be safely met within the community, and the level of support they require not being appropriate for mainstream mental health services. The main aims of the services are to undertake a thorough assessment, identifying appropriate strategies to support individuals towards recovery and a discharge back to the community.
Intensive Support Nurses: We will talk with you about your mental health needs. We will help you to have treatment at home so you don’t have to go into hospital. If you need medication or tablets we will support you. If you do need hospital care we will work with you and the staff in the hospital.
Occupational Therapists: We will work with you on increasing your independence in activities. Independent means you do things by yourself. We will spend time with you. We will do activities with you. We will help your family, carers or staff to support you with the things you want to do.
Offending Behaviour Intervention Service (OBIS): We will work with you if you have broken the law or might break the law in the future. Some of the people that we work with have been convicted of a crime. We talk with you about your problems and work together to help.
Physiotherapists: We can help you get equipment that looks after the position of your body. This might be a wheelchair, in bed, in a standing frame or in your comfy chair. We can give you exercises to keep you healthy and moving. We can give advice to help keep your chest healthy if you have had a chest infection.
Positive Partnerships Team: We will work with you if you need long term support to live at home, after being in an assessment and treatment unit. We can give your support workers and carers training to help them support you and make sure that you feel happy and safe in your home. We can ask you about the things you like to do and can help you find new activities in your local area.
Psychiatrists: We are doctors that can help you with your mental health. We can talk to you if you are feeling very sad or worried. We can give you medication or tablets to help you feel better. We can see you at your home or in the outpatient clinic.
Psychologists: We can meet with you on your own. We will help you with your thoughts and feelings. We will listen to you. We will talk with you. We can also meet with you and the people that care about you. For example, your family, partner, care team or teacher. We can all work together or, if you prefer, you don’t need to join us.
Psychotherapists: You may be worried, sad or angry. You may have difficulties in your daily life. We will work with you to help you understand your feelings. We will work with you in a safe private space.
Relationship Counsellor: We will talk with you about your relationships. We will help you to make choices in your relationships. We will talk to you about keeping safe in your relationships.
Speech and Language Therapists: We will work with you if you have problems with communicating. We can support you to communicate in your own way. We work with people who have Dysphagia. Dysphagia is when you have problems with swallowing.