Eric Shepherd Secure Services
ESFS provides a full secure treatment pathway for people with Intellectual Disabilities (Learning Disability) offering treatments including specialist psychological, psychiatric and behavioural therapies and complex specialist rehabilitation, to people detained under the mental health act, to allow people to return to life in society. This services include:
- Warren Court, a medium secure inpatient unit with 30 beds for men who are considered a risk of doing serious harm to others.
- 4 Bowlers’ Green, a low secure unit with 9 beds for men who are considered a significant risk of doing harm to others.
Offending Behaviours Intervention Service
OBIS is a community-based multi-professional forensic team for people with intellectual disability and/or autism. The team helps people to overcome problematic behaviour that might lead to conviction, and also supports people who have been in secure care to leave hospital sooner.
Beech Ward
Beech ward is a 15 bedded low secure service for men with mental illnesses and personality disorders who are at significant risk of doing harm to others. The service offers specialist psychological, psychiatric and behavioural therapies and complex specialist rehabilitation, to people detained under the mental health act, to allow people to return to life in society.
Hertfordshire Community Forensic Team
The Hertfordshire CFT is a multiprofessional hybrid community forensic service that supports people with mental disorders, living in Hertfordshire, who are at risk of, or who have committed, a serious offence, to stay well and safe in the community. This includes offering specialist advice and assessment to manage risk, working alongside community teams and other providers to provide periods of increased support at times of crisis, and supports people who have been treated in secure hospital care to move into the community.
Criminal Justice System Liaison and Diversion Service
The Criminal Justice Liaison and Diversion Team (CJL&DT) at HPFT provides an all-age screening and assessment service to vulnerable individuals involved in the criminal justice system.
The service has a team of staff who are based at Hatfield Police Station, Stevenage Police Custody Suite, Stevenage and St Alban’s Magistrates Courts, St Alban’s Crown Court and Hatfield Remand Court.
The team includes Psychologists, Nursing Practitioners, Social Workers, Support, Time and Recovery (STAR) Workers and Administrators, who provide a range of services including:
- Providing assessments for people with a wide range of vulnerabilities including problems with their mental health and/or a learning disability.
- Supporting a safe and fair criminal justice process by working with police to advise on keeping people safe in custody and any reasonable adjustments required in the interview process or diversion under Part 2 of the Mental Health Act.
- Writing reports for courts to advise on reasonable adjustments, special measures and whether any specialist reports are required.
- Supporting the probation service by working to obtain mental health treatments as part of community sentences.
- Working with partners including women’s centres and Project Nova which supports veterans of the armed forces, to support people involved in the criminal justice system.
- Liaising with prison in-reach services and safer custody to ensure people’s health and social care needs are considered.
- STaR Workers will be working to reduce the risk of people in the community who are referred to the service, from re-offending or escalating their offending behaviour, by supporting them to address a wide range of health and social care needs.
- Peer Support Workers will be advising and evaluating all the services provided.