Helping you back into paid employment
We have a specialist employment team offering our service users, receiving care from one of our community mental health teams, a route back into employment. We can support you to find paid jobs within weeks. We will then continue to work with both you and your employer for as long as needed.
The benefits of returning to work are vast, it can provide you financial independence and a sense of purpose and wellbeing, structure and routine, a chance to learn new skills, and build your confidence in the workplace.
Sarah Pashley, Team Leader said ‘It’s fantastic to see someone who was once unwell and feeling hopeless, not only obtain a job, but to flourish in that job with support from both their employment specialist and their employer. Our team works closely with service users, providing individual support all the way from a rapid job search, to a placement in paid employment. We match peoples interests and preferences with suitable roles and offer unlimited support for both the employee and the employer.'
How it works
Diagnosis is no barrier, we can support you regardless of your diagnosis as long as we see you within our community teams. We can provide support around benefits, approach employers on your behalf and support you after you have got a job until you feel comfortable.
We can support you in:
Creating and tailoring a CV
Job searches and applications
Interview preparation and practice
Staying well in work
Communicating with your employer
Get in touch
Our service is open to all, and we are happy to answer any questions you may have.
For more information please email
Click here to view our leaflet for service users.
Click here to view our leaflet for professionals.