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Development of new service for survivors of sexual assault underway

12 Dec 23

HPFT has been successful in a bid to develop an Enhanced Mental Health Service (EMHS) for adult survivors of sexual assault and abuse across Hertfordshire and West Essex.

The new service will improve access to professionals best able to support and offer interventions to help people with complex trauma-related mental health needs who have experienced sexual assault and abuse.

The professional support provided will promote healing and recovery for those who do not meet the existing criteria for secondary care services. The service will cover the Herts and West Essex area, strengthening the existing offerings from local voluntary, community and social enterprises and Talking Therapies services.

A phased implementation is planned from April 2024 with a full service expected to be operational from July 2024.

Dr Fiona Roberts, HPFT Clinical Director of Psychological Services, says:

“We are so pleased to have secured the opportunity to be able to work with local partners to develop and pilot services for survivors of sexual assault and abuse. This will make a real difference to so many people and those who care for them.”

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