Spending time in nature can be great for your mental health. This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week which takes place 10-16 May will be focusing on nature.

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event when there is an opportunity for the whole of the UK to focus on achieving good mental health. The Mental Health Foundation started the event 21 years ago. Each year the Foundation continues to set the theme, organise and host the week. The event has grown to become one of the biggest awareness weeks across the UK and globally. Click here for more information about Mental Health Awareness Week. 

Find out how you can get involved with our week of free activities!

Join us daily for a mindfulness walk!
Throughout the week we are encouraging local residents and colleagues to get outside in the great outdoors and practice mindfulness to help improve wellbeing. Don’t forget to join in online by tagging us and using the hashtags #connectwithnature and #IAPTMindfulness

Monday - Mindfulness Nature Walk (self-help video)
Watch our free self-help video and learn more about mindful walk in nature. In this video, we will provide you with useful tips to focus your attention on the natural beauty of the season and to make the most of your here-and-now experience. 

Tuesday - Mindfulness: dealing with negative thoughts webinar (10:00am)
Mindfulness helps us to relate to our thoughts and emotions in a new way which can lead to a life lived more fully in the present. The webinar will walk you through two mindfulness breathing exercise. Sign up now!

Wednesday - How to cope with stress webinar (11:00am)
Stress can’t always be prevented, but there are lots of things you can do to manage stress better. During the webinar we will explore how to spot the signs of stress and the long term effect it has on our bodies and our minds. Sign up now!

Thursday - Nature and Wellbeing (self-help video)
This self-help video will teach you how nature can help you feel better. You will also find out why being outdoors can positively impact mood and general wellbeing, as well as tips to turn your time outside the house into a self-care ritual.

Friday - Relaxation and nature webinar (1:00pm)
Join us from your garden as we guide you through a range of practical exercises intended to support a calm, peaceful frame of mind. This webinar explores the benefits of relaxation and the importance of connecting to nature. Sign up now!

If you would like to take part in any of the activities above, please click here