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HPFT Healthy Living Fair for Service Users and Carers 21 February 2023

19 Jan 23

HPFT Healthy Living Fair for Service Users and Carers.

Find out more about how you can improve your physical health and wellbeing

Come and join us at the HPFT Healthy Living Fair where you’ll be able to meet experts face to face and learn about some of the steps you can take to improve your physical health and wellbeing.

Tuesday 21 February 2023
10.30am – 2.30pm
Registration and refreshments from 10.00am

HPFT Head Office
The Colonnades
Beaconsfield Road
AL10 8YE

There’ll be a programme of talks covering a range of health and wellbeing topics, and stalls where you can talk on a one-to-one basis and find more information and advice about ways to stay well, including alternatives to tobacco, healthy eating and exercise. Full programme can be found here.

You can also visit the Simulation Hub, our innovative training facility that uses scenarios co-created with Experts by Experience in a supportive learning environment.

And you’ll have the opportunity to get involved and have your say on the new HPFT ‘Looking Forward Together’ Strategy and Physical Health Strategies.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there! 

For more information, please contact karen.mead@nhs.net 

To book your place via our Eventbrite booking form please click here

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