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Join HPFT art therapists for a free art exhibition

13 Jan 25

This month, artists and art therapists from HPFT are joining forces to hold an art exhibition at Southern Maltings, an arts and events centre in Ware.

The exhibition, called “The Artist Way”, offers an insight into how working in mental health has influenced their creative and personal development, revealing the lasting impact it has had on their art.

A graphic with 6 paintings of people, sceneries and abstract patterns. In the front of these paintings, there is text which says "The Artist Way".

Marianne Rastello, an art psychotherapist, shares why she is taking part:

A blue, red and yellow painting of flowers “As an art psychotherapist and an artist, taking part in this art exhibition contributes to a broader conversation about the power of art to heal, inspire and connects us to our emotions.” 

Cecilia Rangel-Crow, an art psychotherapist, shares the art she will be showcasing:

An abstract painting with yellow, green, red and black colours, and a silhouette of a person. “My artwork is the result of my findings from having been in therapy. The paintings are an expression of my internal world and my encounters with service users and their internal world. The artworks are about how those two worlds coexist in the therapy space.”

The opening night will also feature a speech about art therapies, an interactive performance from a HPFT music therapist and a live jazz band.

Our art therapists play an instrumental role in service users’ recovery journey – they encourage them to express their inner thoughts and emotions through art, supporting them to explore difficult feelings and look at their experiences in a new way.

They work across the Trust in sectors such as adult mental health services, children and young people services, learning disability services and eating disorder services.

Arts therapies can also incorporate music, drama and dance movement.

A graphic showing a splash of pink paint, with purple text saying "The Artist Way" on top of it.

If you would like to attend:

Opening night:
Saturday 25 January 2025 at 6pm

Sunday 26 January – Saturday 1 February, 1pm – 5pm
Southern Maltings, Kibes Lane, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 7BS

This event does not require tickets and is a free walk-in. 

If you would like to learn more about the exhibition and the artists involved, please visit here.

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