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Trust highlights continued commitment to armed forces personnel

27 Jun 24

This Armed Forces Week, HPFT Chief Executive Karen Taylor shared the Trusts ongoing commitment to supporting those with a military connection by unveiling a Veteran Aware plaque.  Veterans can experience issues such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of their service. 

Group shot in front of the Veteran Aware image

Dr Fiona Roberts, Clinical Director of Psychological Services said:

“Being a Veteran Aware healthcare provider means we understand the specific needs that can come from being a veteran or their family – if you have a military connection and you are struggling with your mental health, we encourage you to contact us for support.  Let us know you have served and we can help provide you with specialist support and information.” 

For further information about our commitment to supporting the Armed Forces Community, please visit:  https://www.hpft.nhs.uk/about-us/supporting-our-armed-forces-community/

To find out more about the support HPFT can offer please visit: https://www.hpft.nhs.uk/contact-us/out-of-hours-helpline/ 

Curtain being pulled on the Veteran Aware plaque

Group shot in front of the Veteran Aware plaque

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