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We need your feedback to help us improve the way we deliver care

09 Oct 24

Have you been cared for by our services, or are a carer yourselves?

If so, we would love you to help us develop our new Clinical and Social Care strategy. It will help us to develop a plan that will aim to improve the way we deliver care.

Blue and white megaphone with the words 'We Need You' coming out.

Your involvement is part of making sure that our plans truly reflect what really matters to you.

Our staff will be available to talk to you about how we are working to better understand and support you.  We will use your feedback to improve how we care for you, making sure our services work better for everyone and creating a clinical strategy that truly reflects your needs.

Please do join us for our open day.

When and where?

Date: 24th October 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Venue: Birchwood Leisure Centre
Address: Birchwood Avenue, Hatfield, AL10 0AN

You will have the opportunity to ask questions, share your thoughts, and give feedback in a way that works for you.

We look forward to seeing you there! Together, we can make a difference.

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