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Service users get creative for Christmas Fayre

23 Dec 24

Service users with learning disabilities have been involved in the creation of affordable seasonal gifts to sell at the Walled Garden Shop Christmas Fayre at Little Plumstead, Norfolk.

Wooden bird creations

The Occupational Therapy and Education team have supported some of our service users based at Norfolk services to make Christmas cards, decorations, and seasonal products. These included bird sculptures such as robins, tree decorations in the shape of a heart and decorative boxes.

Tom Cringle, Education Facilitator said: “Despite it being a cold, wet and rainy day, sales were swift and our merchandise was popular. We managed to raise £107 which was fantastic.

“The benefits of a project like this can be wide ranging and felt within the community. It is not just about making money for charity but for service users it is the act of working, having a collective team goal and involving the different staff and therapies together. It also generates a feeling of self-worth which is invaluable.”

The money made from the creations is being donated to charities or organisations that use creativity projects in wellbeing and mental health.

The team have been in talks to be involved in a similar project for the Easter Fayre.

If you would like to find out more about the Walled Garden Shop search – The Walled Garden Shop on Facebook

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