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Do not attend HPFT sites if you have symptoms of Norovirus

03 Dec 24

Norovirus cases are high across the country and we are asking visitors and people who use our services not to visit HPFT sites if they are displaying any symptoms.

Norovirus  cases are rising across the country in writing on a green background with a red arrow

Symptoms include feeling sick, diarrhoea, being sick, high temperature, headache and aching arms and legs.

If you suspect you have Norovirus – please follow these three simple steps to avoid spreading the infection:

·      Stay home for 48 hours until you have been clear of symptoms and rest

·       Wash hands with soap & warm water

·       Don't prepare food for others

For more information on how to help yourself, your family and service users please visit www.nhs.uk/norovirus

If you have an appointment and are unwell, please call your clinic who will be happy to support you to rearrange.

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