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HPFT is lead provider for perinatal Mother and Baby Units for the East of England

29 Apr 24

The commissioning of NHS perinatal services has been given to the East of England provider collaborative. HPFT is proud to be the lead organisation supporting new and expectant mothers and their partners.

Provider Collaboratives support health and social care services within a particular region to work more closely with one another, as well as with patients and their families, to improve healthcare.

There are a number of benefits around establishing a Perinatal Provider Collaborative and these include:

  • Standardising and ensuring equitable access of care regardless of where mum lives, with care being provided as close to home as possible
  • Closer working with partners who support mums and families with their perinatal health
  • Increased understanding which will mean earlier intervention and lead to better outcomes

The Perinatal Mental Health team supports women who are experiencing, or are at high risk of experiencing, moderate to severe mental health difficulties when they are pregnant and after having their baby.

For further information about the service provided by HPFT’s Perinatal Mental Health Team, please visit: https://www.hpft.nhs.uk/services/community-services/hertfordshire-community-perinatal-team/

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