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How was your experience of community mental health care? 2024 Community Mental Health Survey

20 Aug 24

Did you receive mental health care from one of our community teams in the last year? If so, we would love you to share your view on those services.

Listening to service users about their experience of care is so important because it helps us to deliver high quality mental health care.

If you used services in April or May 2024, you could be invited to take part and give your feedback on the quality of support you received.

In last year’s survey, we received 267 responses from adults aged 16 and over, who used the survey to tell us what is working well and what requires improvement. From last year’s results, we were the highest scoring Trust nationally for ensuring that service users had an opportunity to provide feedback. Service users also felt that they were treated with respect and dignity.

Actions we are taking in response to last year’s survey include helping service users, carers and staff to prepare for appointments and improving communication.

We will work alongside our Experts by Experience to ensure that the voice of people with lived experience remains central to this work. The results will be published in the spring of 2025 and will enable us to identify key priorities and support us to provide the best experience of care.

The survey can be completed as a paper questionnaire or online by using the log in details provided.

If you are invited to take part, whether contact with our services was regular or minimal, every voice is valued. If you need help completing the survey, please call: 0800 783 1775.

For more information about the survey, please visit http://www.cqc.org.uk/cmhsurvey.

The survey is confidential, carried out by the Care Quality Commission and a dedicated Survey Coordination Centre at Picker, on behalf of NHS England. Your responses are not shared with our staff, so participation will not affect your care or treatment. This survey has also received approval from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.

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