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Bolstering support for people living with dementia in Hertfordshire

21 Oct 24

Memory Support Hertfordshire is a newly launched community service providing local connection, support, information, and advice for everyone affected by dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment.

Blue flowers next to the white wording Memory Support Hertfordshire on a blue background

A helpline (0300 131 3946 open Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm), an email service (info@memorysupportherts.org.uk) and in-person drop-in hubs will ensure people are able to find out what they want to know, as well as support people to find and access the full range of community-based, health and social care support available in county.

Building on the strong foundations of Hertfordshire’s existing locally embedded community support services, the addition of a new information and development service will provide a welcome route for people to access support and guidance more quickly and easily. The service has been co-produced by people who currently use existing dementia support services, so that the varied support on offer meets their needs

Funded by Hertfordshire County Council and the NHS and delivered in partnership by Age UK HertfordshireCarers in Hertfordshire and Alzheimer’s SocietyMemory Support Hertfordshire is committed to improving support available to people affected by dementia and is aligned to the Hertfordshire Dementia Strategy.

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