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Community and faith partners working together to tackle mental health

23 Sep 24

HPFT took part in a Faith and Health Conference hosted by One Vision, a local community-based charity that provides practical support to vulnerable individuals and families.

Enoch Kanagaraj, founder and Chief Executive of One Vision opened the event sharing his hope that community and faith partners work together to tackle the physical and mental health needs of Hertfordshire residents.

Kate Linhart in a red dress speaking at a podium

Kate Linhart, Deputy Director, Integration and Partnerships, HPFT, shared the story of service user Mohammed, whose connection to his faith inspired him to never lose hope in the battle with his psychosis.  His faith was instrumental in his recovery journey, enabling him to maintain a valued role in his family, through leading prayers, connecting with his community and practicing mindfulness and meditation.

Kate highlighted the importance of recognising and respecting a person’s faith and spirituality in their mental health recovery.  Mohammed’s care and support only truly become meaningful and personalised, when his care team were able to make this connection with him. 

Speakers mentioned the importance of working together with faith leaders and how through partnership working, their under-represented communities could be better supported to meet the increased demand for services and care. 

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