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New Leaf Recovery and Wellbeing College launches new website

09 Jun 21

New Leaf Recovery and Wellbeing College has launched a new website.

As well as new pictures, content and a sleeker design, the new site allows for more functionality and better accessibility; making it easier to use different browser features as well as mobile and tablets.

Visitors can read the stories of students who have attended the student development programme and visit the ‘what can help’ section, which encompasses all blogs, informative recovery focused articles and previous newsletters.

The website shows upcoming courses on the new ‘book a course section’ as well as detailed information about each of all the courses that the college runs on the Course A-Z page. Visitors can also send in new course suggestions, submit their interest in a course not currently running and students who log into their account will see a history of their past and present courses bookings.

Once in their account, students can also view access only materials and cancel their place on courses they can no longer attend with a click of a button!

To make this new website possible, the college worked collaboratively with staff, designers and developers, as well as with the student council and those enrolled on the college development programme. The programme allows all students enrolled in the college the opportunity to move forward in their recovery, gain additional skills and contribute to various projects within the college.

Check out the new website: www.newleafcollege.co.uk.

For more information, please download the brochure, read about recovery or contact the college.

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